All the random pictures we took of ourselves. (on breaks and also during class :P) The black marble thing that we never knew what it was for (and still don't know) that we used to sit at was completely ours for a couple of years or so. You went to the uni and could always find any of us there. Teachers walking the halls looking for us so they could fill the classroom with more that 2 or 3 students. Or Inés locking us out the class coz we didn't get in time. People always said that me and a friends lived at the uni. We had classes from 8am to 12 o 1 o'clock, then lunch time (inside the uni, of course), then going to the labs to work or some project we had to do until the lab assistants told us that they had to close. People went to the uni and always found us there, at any time of the day.
Those were some good old days. Now I barely go there. I have classes two days a week and as soon as they are over I'm heading back home. I barely see my group, the group that was always together. Even teachers said it, it was a rare group, all of us were some sort of family, going out together from time to time, doing random jokes on each other, trusting each other.. it was nice. Now everyone took different paths, is hard to find yourself talking with one of them as we used to. We are lucky if we take the same subject, the same semester, at the same time. But the friendship remains, we now get happier went we find each other across the halls or on the streets. And sometimes we still try to bring the group back together with some dinners or birthdays. It was a good chapter of my life :)

1 comment:
Yeah.. it's good to have friends from the heart...I had to move from my old neighborhood this last summer and it was very hard to pass the whole summer without the people that you need the most
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