"You can't live with them, you can't live without them", that's the best quote I can think of right now. When they are around you can't wait for them to leave, but for one reason or another you need them, even if it's because you miss them or because you need something from them. That's what today's story is about. I believe that there isn't such thing as a normal family. There is always something that can tell a family apart from another, some weird thing or behavior, etc.
There was this guy, who came to our home only during the weekends, comes in saturday morning and leaves sunday night. Everyone is happy living that way, even if those two days sometimes seemed to be like a week because the house looked like a battlefield. Don't worry, it was only verbal, no living been was hurt. (that I know o.o) Anyway, it was a more or less healthy way of showing how they cared for each other. There was one person that at first tried to rise the white flag so everyone could be together without arguing, but soon that person realized that all that work wasn't doing much and simply stopped and let the situation flow. I mean, they could be arguing for days, but in some point they somehow acted as if nothing happened and in that point it looked like a normal family, even if it was only for a couple of minutes. Everything seems to be doing well so far, in a weird way. But now, let's say that at the end of the year he stopped coming, and next thing you know he wants to talk to everyone about something important. Chan! What could it be?! *suspense music here* He was moving with another woman and wasn't going to come over the weekends anymore. Phew, false alarm. Nothing wrong. No one seemed to surprised or socked. Actually, some even were relieved that the peace that was over the week days was going to continue over the weekends. Is a "and everyone lived happy" ending.
But! Who said it ended there? Let me describe his situation now. This woman had quite a different relationship with her family. She talked to her daughters not only as a mother but also as if she was a good friend of them, she had a good relationship with her exs (I think there are 2), and everyone in that family cares and loves and is in touch with everyone. (You are noticing some differences between the two families, right?) Well, now we add that guy into this last family. What do we get? A not so peaceful result. Soon you get calls like, "I was starting to believe you forgot about me" or "Do you remember me?"... When before that there could be times when you don't hear from him for week.. So you are like o.O? And c'mon! are you gonna tell me that it was himself alone who got to those lines so soon? especially when he is surrounded by a family like that? Make your own conclusions :/
Anyway, if there has been some time since the last call, you should remember and do the call first. Otherwise, you would be blamed for being a bad person and not caring about people. So, yes. You have to do those calls (calls that last from 5 to 10 mins) and organize meetings with the new family (that so far all have been suspended for one reason or another) and act as if everything is ok and you care about what's going on with them (even if you don't know them :S), etc. Yes, relationships are great. And family ones are the best.
*goes make a call..*
Friday, September 28, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Dear Diary..
So many entries in my head and so few here. Sometimes I wish there was something like a robot that could record your thoughts or something you say. And the image of Judy Jetson comes to my mind, didn't she had a floating robot that she talked to it and was her personal diary? Don't remember very well, but I'm sure she had something like that. Well, I need one too. Because every time I go to bed, I don't know for how long, (can be 5 mins, can be 30 mins) I lay there, thinking about what will I write and how, as if I was writing it in that moment. The problem: I don't have an alt+S (or alt+G) on my head :P Actually, I have like two drafts right now that I need to complete or rewrite so all of you can read them. One of those draft was the one I was working on yesterday, but I didn't like how it was written and it was late, so I just closed the windows and thought about fixing it today. But where is the haphazardness in that? ;)
Again, I need something that can record my thoughts every time I go to bed. It would be so easy to come and just pass that into an entry. And to those who are thinking that I should get a voice recorder and the problem will be over: Forget it! I don't plan to do that. If I have to go find it, turn in on, check that there is space, press REC and start talking with all the "scratch that" or "maybe if I say it this other way" I better get up, come here and write it. And if I went to bed is because I want to sleep, no because I want to think about it. Writing my entry on my head when I go to bed is something I can't control. And to finish this, I believe that this entry was better when I thought it yesterday, but I only remember really smart parts XD
Gonna try and finish one of my other drafts before the week ends ^^
Again, I need something that can record my thoughts every time I go to bed. It would be so easy to come and just pass that into an entry. And to those who are thinking that I should get a voice recorder and the problem will be over: Forget it! I don't plan to do that. If I have to go find it, turn in on, check that there is space, press REC and start talking with all the "scratch that" or "maybe if I say it this other way" I better get up, come here and write it. And if I went to bed is because I want to sleep, no because I want to think about it. Writing my entry on my head when I go to bed is something I can't control. And to finish this, I believe that this entry was better when I thought it yesterday, but I only remember really smart parts XD
Gonna try and finish one of my other drafts before the week ends ^^
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The 80's
Last post was about friends, now is the time for old series I used to watch as a kid. Talking with some friends I started remembering what cartoons I used to watch back in those times, my favorites being My little pony and Transformers. And when I wasn't that little I can add Voltron and Thundercats. A while ago I even downloaded the first season of Transformers. (watched like half of it and then left it somewhere in my pc ^^') I was such a fan of them. And I still am, I loved the movie that came out some.. hmm.. months? ago. I remember taping the episodes when Icouldn't be at home and watching them over and over later. I remember crying when we found out someone broke into or house and stole my tapes and everything that was in them. (yeah, they stole a lot more but at that age I only cared about my things :P) Hehe, I also cried when someone broke in again some years later and stole my "Who framed Roger Rabbit?" tape (I loved that movie). My brother made a copy with a friend he had in a videostore so I would be happy again. And I was, but it wasn't the same. I wanted my old tape with it's yellow tag that had "Roger Rabbit" with my handwrite and a crappy face of him on the side, hehe. But going back to the subject, if there is one, I'm trying to download some Voltron episodes now, or more likely when all the other useless stuff I'm downloading complete. I also have a few of My little pony episodes somewhere, but the quality they have is so poor :(
Btw, the little fellow on this entrie is from a link a friend had sent me while I was gone tonight. It's from a site where you can make your own My little pony and raise it day by day, something as a virtual pet online. Tho, it probably won't last much since I only had a little gold to feed it and stuff and have no idea how to get more. Plus, the chances of me remembering to visit it and take care of it are very low :P Still, I liked how it came up since it made my choose how his parents look to create it but the flash pic of them never show up ^^'
Well, gonna go and try to get some sleep. And hopefully gonna wake up in a normal way, not like today that my mom tried to wake me up and I told her I wanted to sleep some more (I stayed up really late last night) and, in what felt like seconds, I had her telling my to cover up that someone was going to come to my room to check my telephone's line ¬¬ Of course, I dashed out of them as soon as the girl left and before she came back again... yeah, that was trully fun ¬¬
Thursday, September 13, 2007
You know, when you start thinking about something and it makes you think about something else and so on? And in the end you don't know how but you are thinking about something totally different from the first thought? Well, I found myself thinking about the good old times (which makes me feel kinda old >.<). Even if it's only a couple of years ago it feels as longer. What am I talking about? I'm talking about my first years at the university, when we were a group of five girls that went and did everything together. We made our breaks between classes longer, we bought or daily hmm.. (is there an english words for bizcochos?.. *insert it here if there is*) and sat on one of the cushions at the entrance to eat them, or on sunny days we went to the top floor and missed a class or two while sitting in the sun and eating (yes, we were some fatties hehe, we always said that if we didn't have to walk all the stairs up to the top floor we would be as round as a ball).

All the random pictures we took of ourselves. (on breaks and also during class :P) The black marble thing that we never knew what it was for (and still don't know) that we used to sit at was completely ours for a couple of years or so. You went to the uni and could always find any of us there. Teachers walking the halls looking for us so they could fill the classroom with more that 2 or 3 students. Or Inés locking us out the class coz we didn't get in time. People always said that me and a friends lived at the uni. We had classes from 8am to 12 o 1 o'clock, then lunch time (inside the uni, of course), then going to the labs to work or some project we had to do until the lab assistants told us that they had to close. People went to the uni and always found us there, at any time of the day.

All the random pictures we took of ourselves. (on breaks and also during class :P) The black marble thing that we never knew what it was for (and still don't know) that we used to sit at was completely ours for a couple of years or so. You went to the uni and could always find any of us there. Teachers walking the halls looking for us so they could fill the classroom with more that 2 or 3 students. Or Inés locking us out the class coz we didn't get in time. People always said that me and a friends lived at the uni. We had classes from 8am to 12 o 1 o'clock, then lunch time (inside the uni, of course), then going to the labs to work or some project we had to do until the lab assistants told us that they had to close. People went to the uni and always found us there, at any time of the day.
Those were some good old days. Now I barely go there. I have classes two days a week and as soon as they are over I'm heading back home. I barely see my group, the group that was always together. Even teachers said it, it was a rare group, all of us were some sort of family, going out together from time to time, doing random jokes on each other, trusting each other.. it was nice. Now everyone took different paths, is hard to find yourself talking with one of them as we used to. We are lucky if we take the same subject, the same semester, at the same time. But the friendship remains, we now get happier went we find each other across the halls or on the streets. And sometimes we still try to bring the group back together with some dinners or birthdays. It was a good chapter of my life :)

Saturday, September 8, 2007
Under Construction
Finally I made an official blog (after many failures ^^'). But let's wait and see if it truly succeeds, I usually start them and leave them that very moment. Dunno what the topic of this blog is going to be, probably gonna try to keep it alive filling it with random stuff that I wanna share at the moment, that's why the url of the blog ;3
I'm still looking for all kinds of widgets to put on my blog and make it all pretty, if you have any ideas let me know. So far I got the chatbox and some of the options that already come with the blog. Might even try to change the template so it has a more personalized touch. Well, the list of "To do's" starts getting bigger and bigger as I start mumbling, let's hope I get one or two done :P
Cya on my next entry <3
I'm still looking for all kinds of widgets to put on my blog and make it all pretty, if you have any ideas let me know. So far I got the chatbox and some of the options that already come with the blog. Might even try to change the template so it has a more personalized touch. Well, the list of "To do's" starts getting bigger and bigger as I start mumbling, let's hope I get one or two done :P
Cya on my next entry <3
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